Connect freely to the internet
Free wifi
Eurohotel Granvia Fira provides free wifi throughout its facilities, both in the rooms and in the common areas, guaranteeing fast and stable connectivity for all its guests. This service allows travelers to stay connected, whether for work, planning their visit to Barcelona or simply enjoying online entertainment, all conveniently and at no additional cost.

Get to know the hotel details
Other services at Eurohotel Granvia Fira
Eurohotel Granvia Fira offers a full range of services for a comfortable stay.

Events and meeting rooms
Eurohotel Granvia Fira has event and meeting rooms, fully equipped with modern technology for professional conferences.

Eurohotel Granvia Fira gym is equipped with modern, state-of-the-art equipment, designed to offer a wide range of training options.

24h reception
The reception at Eurohotel Granvia Fira operates 24 hours a day, offering attentive service available at all times.

The pool at Eurohotel Granvia Fira offers a perfect place to relax and enjoy a pleasant swim.

Parking subject to availability
Eurohotel Granvia Fira has a secure and accessible car park, offering comfort and peace of mind for guests travelling by car.

Room service
Eurohotel Granvia Fira room service allows you to enjoy a wide selection of dishes in the comfort and privacy of your room.